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On Jumat, 10 Mei 2013
Pachyrizus erosus or what we know as yam is a plant that comes from the tropics and a tribe of legumes.
Plants that have long roots up to 4-5 meters is the most widely consumed as a salad. But, although tubers are edible, other parts of the yam is very toxic and should not be eaten because it has properties ritenon. So dangerous, ritenon substance is often used to kill insects naturally, mice, or when I want to catch fish by poisoning him. Benefits of mangosteen fruit and peel.
Besides consumed as pickles or pickled, it turns out that the fruit has many benefits loh. In the yam pieces on tubers contain starch, sugar, phosphorus and calcium is good for our bodies. In addition, the high water content contained in this yam fruit can provide a cooling effect up to 90%. The fruit is very good for diabetics because of the sweetness that is the yam can not be digested by the human body, because the sweet taste comes from oligasakarida commonly called inulin.
Bengkong benefit is not only to maintain our health to beauty alone but especially facial beauty. It is common knowledge that there are many benefits of yam to face. In addition to whiten the skin, the fruit benefits bengkoang to face the others also able to remove the black spots on the face. Benefits of this yam to face is actually derived from the content of vitamin B1, vitamin C, and pachyrhizon rotenonm her.
Bengkoang fruit benefits to the face that has black spots can be obtained by applying a face mask yam. The trick, then take the fruit to taste grated yam. Grated result was then rubbed into the entire surface of the face evenly. Wait up to 15 minutes or until completely dry and then rinse your face feels with warm water first and then rinse with cold water.
Bengkoang fruit benefits for not only the face. Is not foreign to our ears that the yam is very well used to whiten and brighten the skin. In fact, knowing the benefits of fruit bengkoang to face it can whiten, so many cosmetic products have a blend of fruit extracts yam. To benefit the yam pieces for the face to look more white, grab fruit to taste and grated yam. Grated result was then dried until dry and mix with rose water. Use this concoction as a face mask.
BENEFITS FOR FRUIT FACE addition yam as a mask, to face bengkoang fruit benefits can also be obtained by meraciknya cold powder. Quite easy really, take bengkoang fruit taste as needed, then provide 100 grams of rice flour that has been soaked 1-2 weeks then mash until smooth. Fruit was mashed yam using either grated or blender and then filtered. Filtered water was allowed to stand for 3-4 hours so it would appear pollen deposition yam starch. Combine earlier yam starch with rice flour and then add 1 teaspoon of lime juice. Add fragrance like roses or pandan leaves on the material. Into a round shape resembling marbles then dry for 2 hours. When the use is recommended to dissolve it with cold water. see also, apples benefits for pregnant women.
How? Not easy to get the benefits of yam pieces for the face? In addition to easily get the yam pieces, how to process was fairly simple enough so that it can be applied at home. So, you do not need to spend a lot to get a white glow. Have a discussion about the benefits of fruit bengkoang to face this time could be useful
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